Fallen fence

5 Tell-Tale Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Fence!

Even the best maintenance routine won’t keep your fence upright and in good repair forever. And believe us, not many fences enjoy the best maintenance routine! 

But how to recognise when the writing’s on the wall? Here are 5 tell-tale signs that it’s time to replace your old fence

When patch repairs are no longer cost-effective

Patch repairs put off the inevitable day when you have to replace the entire fence: prop up a post here, replace a panel that’s falling over there…a patchwork of make-do-and-mend.  Inevitably, though, the whole fence is gradually getting weaker, and the time and money spent on multiple repairs add up considerably.

There comes a point when it might actually be more cost-effective to replace the fence all in one go, especially if you are using a professional company to install it. Paying multiple separate sets of labour costs to replace one panel at a time is simply a false economy. 

Storm damage

Probably the most common reason for replacing a fence is storm damage. Unsurprisingly, Trentwood Fencing can receive 10 times the usual level of enquiries in the weeks following a storm. 

Sometimes severe weather will take down just a single post or panel, which can be repaired - that’s the best outcome of a poor situation. More often, unfortunately, one fallen panel will drag a whole line of others with it, especially if the fence was getting old. 

If this happens, repair is out of the question, and replacing your fence is really the only option. 

Your fence is leaning

A strong, upright fence helps secure your property from intruders, keeps the neighbours’ pets out of your garden (and keeps your pets in it!), and also provides privacy. 

As your fence gets older, though, various factors can cause it to start leaning, and this weakens its integrity. Damage from bad weather, poor maintenance, or just age are the main reasons a fence starts to lean. 

If a single fence panel has fallen away from the post, you can attempt a repair, but it will likely only give you a temporary reprieve. Similarly if a single post itself is damaged or rotten, you may be able to replace just that post. 

Generally, though, when more than one section of a fence starts to lean, it’s time to think about replacing it, as a stiff wind could bring the whole thing down in one go.

Rotting fence

Your fence is rotting 

Over time, even fences that have been regularly treated with wood preservative will reach the end of their natural life. This is when you might start to see areas of rot appearing on your fence.

Rot can also appear when the bottom of the fence post or panel comes in regular contact with damp soil, wet grass or leaves. 

A rotting fence doesn’t look nice, and reduces its strength so that a stiff wind is far more likely to bring it down. You can replace the affected fence panels, of course, but be realistic about how long the rest of the fence will last if it was installed at the same time as the rotting section. 

You can take measures to protect your next fence by: 

Flaking paint, sun-fading, rough and splintered timber

painted fenceUnless you’re really into the shabby-chic look, there will come a time when your fence just looks tatty. Wood that was once smooth becomes rough and splintered; flaking paint has been rubbed down and repainted once too often; the once rich chestnut-coloured timber is sun-faded to an unattractive ginger.

It’s time for a new fence!  

Don’t wait until your fence is lying in a broken heap between you and your neighbour’s gardens. Give us a call for a quote, or fill out the enquiry form below. 


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Released On 17th Mar 2022

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